
North Alabama Christian Counseling

Practical Biblical Solutions

Five Reasons We Misunderstand and Misinterpret Our Spouse: Even When We Think We’re Being Clear

August 11th, 2023|Tags: |

How many times have you thought you were communicating clearly, only to discover that your words were taken in a way you never could have imagined—and likely, more negatively? Here are 5 explanations as to why communication that, however carefully delivered, might be quite different from what your mate heard: The [...]

When Your Husband Won’t Go to Marriage Counseling

August 7th, 2023|Tags: |

You are not alone; this is a common problem that marriage counselors often hear. Wives report a variety of reasons why their husbands will not come to marriage counseling: He has already “checked-out” of the relationship emotionally. He does not “believe” in counseling; it’s a sham that won’t work. He [...]

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